Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rename interfaces based on IP range with Invoke-VMScript

Invoke-VMScript is a lifesaver if you need to do things inside a VM, and you don't want to spend hours logging on to each machine.

Here I needed to rename multiple network interface labels based on IP range:

$renamescript = @'

$adapter1 = Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress |where IPaddress -Like "10.168.73.*"| Select interfacealias

$adapter2 = Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress |where IPaddress -Like "192.168.72.*"| Select interfacealias


Rename-NetAdapter -Name $adapter1.interfacealias -NewName "Frontend Network"

Rename-NetAdapter -Name $adapter2.interfacealias -NewName "Backend Network"

For each machine you can then do:

Invoke-VMScript -VM $hostname -GuestUser administrator -GuestPassword P4ssw0rd -ScriptText $renamescript

Combine this with the CSV file post I made before, and you can start your script, get a cup of whatever, and have Powershell do the hard work for you.

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